Friday, October 16, 2009

Laughing, sleeping and ear piercing!!!

So much has happened in the last couple weeks! Kylee is growing and changing so quickly! I had the opportunity to see her on Friday and she is so big! It was incredible seeing her and all the ways she has progressed. The best part of the whole visit was the beginning. Her adoptive mom brought her in, walked around and set her down in front of me. As soon as she looked up at me she would not stop smiling. It made my week! Also, before we left I took her for a walk. She is so attentive now! She listens to everything. It is so cute.
Since Friday, I have been told that she laughed for the first time AND slept through the night twice! She giggled once in her dreams while she was still with me, but I cannot imagine what it would be like to hear her precious little laugh!
Lastly, I found out that yesterday she got her ears pierced! I saw a picture and she is so adorable. I was nervous when I found out, but I hear that she did really good. She is so brave.
I am so excited that she is doing so well. She is so smart! I am blessed to still be involved in her life.
There are days that are so hard, but as I see her do so well and progress so much I feel peace and gratitude that I have never experienced. It makes my day when I get to see pictures of Kylee and when I hear about the amazing new things she is doing. Adoption is truly a process, but it is an incredible one.

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