Saturday, September 24, 2011

Too Long! Update! :D

Ok, so it has clearly been TOO LONG since I have posted anything on this blog! Obviously, a great deal has happened since I have updated ya'll last... Where to begin? Kylee is now TWO years old! They grow so fast! She is doing amazing and is living in Mexico with her adoptive family. Her Adoptive Dad is going to Medical school in Guadalajara and she will still be there for a few more years. It has been hard not to see her, but thank goodness her Adoptive Mom is so good at keeping up a blog about her life (unlike me ;) ). I am looking forward to seeing her around the Holidays though! Her Adoptive family comes up twice a year, but we missed each other the last time they came up so I am so thrilled that I will get to see her within a couple months! I miss her like you would not believe! She is already learning a little Spanish and I am very excited that she will be bilingual. It will help her so much later in life! As always, the process of Adoption is up-and-down. Some days are still quite hard, but the good days seem to outweigh the bad and I NEVER regret my decision to place Kylee with her Family. I know that is where she was meant to be! Adoption is such a beautiful experience and I so wish that people could understand what a miracle it is! I have come to see how many misconceptions are out there and it makes me sad. It makes me sad that people don't know how amazing those brave Birth Mothers are and what a sacrifice they have made (I love you girls <3). It makes me sad that people have misconceptions about WHO Birth Mothers are and WHY they made the hardest decision a Mother could ever make. It makes me sad that people don't know more about open adoptions and about what adoption really is these days. So, if you read this and you don't know, get educated! Go to a conference, talk to a Birth Mother or an Adoptive Family! Get the word out that adoption is incredible! I know I will! Ok, here are some new pics of my Lil' Princess <3


Kylee with her cousin Nixon

Cute Face :)


Tippy Toes


The whole Family

Being chased by Dad

She has enjoyed sticking her tongue out since birth, lol.

Happy with Mom

The new puppy "Hallux"

Time for a swim!

Blowing bubbles in her Princess dress <3

Life sized pinata

Having fun

She tried to paint her own nails, Haha :) Love it!

I LOVE her cute little laugh in this pic

Family Pic

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