Saturday, September 19, 2009

Beautiful feet

This is a picture of Kylee's adorable little foot. She is so perfect and beautiful. I got to see her on Wednesday and it was amazing. At one point she stared me directly in the eyes. I felt such a close and powerful connection with her. I know that she knows who I am and that I love her. I am so grateful that she is in such a wonderful place. Although, I do have to say, I miss those little feet (and everything else). But I am so excited to see how well she is settling into her new life. It's as if she was there all along. I know I made the right decision and that gives me a peace that I never thought I could have. It is still hard though. I have been attempting to stay busy so I would not dwell on things. It has helped a little. I am looking for a job and school. And I am still on the hunt. So, if anyone hears anything about a good job, let me know!!!

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