Monday, September 14, 2009

Today is the day!

That is my new motto for life! Today is the day! I am beginning a new adventure and learning a great deal along the way. In July I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Kylee. She is the most wonderful thing that has EVER happened to me. She was 7 pounds 5.1 ounces and 19" long. She is just perfect. And because she is so wonderful, she deserves the best life a little girl can have. That is why my husband Ryan and I placed her for adoption. She is with a fabulous family that adores her. Her new Mom is amazing and I feel like she is the only person that could have ever taken my place. She is so good with Kylee and so kind to me. I hope we can continue to develop a strong friendship as time goes on. Her Dad is also incredible. He is so gentle and I can tell Kylee is totally going to be a Daddy's girl! Also, her new extended family is great! I had the chance to meet her new Grandmas and one Grandpa and they are beautiful people. I felt so welcome and warm being invited into their homes. My mom, the Adoptive mom, her mom, her husband's mom, Kylee and I all went out for ice cream and had a chance to talk. There is not a family that could have been more supportive and wonderful. We had such a good time. I know this is the right thing for my baby girl. On Wedneday we signed the adoption papers. It was extreamly difficult, but I feel so much peace about it. I have the chance to see Kylee this week and I am SO excited!!! I can't imagine how much she has grown. I will get tons of pictures. This experiance has expanded my faith in our loving Heavenly Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ, more than any I have experianced thus far. I am so grateful for the blessing this has been in my life. I feel as though Kylee has truly led me in the right direction and I will be eternally grateful. She is my BEST blessing. And now she has the BEST life possible. Thank you to everyone involved!


  1. You are such a wonderful person! Last night was so much fun at Ashley's house. We will definately have to have a beading party sometime. I'm so glad you're in the blogging world now.


  2. I am a friend of Anjane's and I am also the youngest of five kids who are all adopted. I can tell you that from my experience ( even though we were all adopted at birth and it was a closed adoption ) I cherish what my birth mother did for me so much. She gave me a chance with an amazing family. I would love to thank her for that someday.

    You have given Anjane' and Lincoln the greatest gift. YOU are amazing !

    Kami Milliron
