Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Getting big!

I just got off of Kylee's blog and cannot believe how big she is getting! She is so grown up! It's hard to believe that she is already three months old. This was her first Halloween and I hear she had a lot of fun. I wanted so bad to see her and dress her up, but she made a super cute Kitty. As more time passes I thought I would start to feel better, but to be honest I almost miss her more. I see the ways she is growing and changing and I want so badly to be a part of that. Thankfully, I still am to an extent. I have felt so much love and appreciation from her adoptive family that I have ZERO complaints. I am just sad because I miss her so much. She is becoming everything I hoped she would and more. And I still have NO regrets, just moments where I wish I could hold her in my arms again and call her my little girl. But she'll always be my little princess either way, even if she is someone else's little girl. On a brighter note, I get to see her soon. I am not sure what day, but I think it will be this week. I can't wait to pick her up and give her a big kiss. I bet she will look so much bigger than the last time I saw her. Her face is already changing and becoming less baby like and more grown up. What an exciting time!